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V.A KING SIZE SKA (SOUNDS 1964 - 1966)

1. Roland Alphonso - El Torro
2. Baba Brooks & His Band - King Size
3. Granville Williams Orchestra - Hi Life
4. Roland Alphonso - On the Move
5. Baba Brooks & Sammy Ismay - Cocktails for Two
6. Raymond Harper & The Carib Beats - No Other Love
7. Roland Alphonso - Women of the World
8. Baba Brooks & His Band - Faberge
9. Granville Williams Orchestra - Old MacDonald Had a Farm
10. Roland Alphonso - Nothing for Nothing
11. Tommy McCook - Riverton City
12. Val Bennett - Atlas
13. Roland Alphonso - Jungle Bit
14. Baba Brooks & His Band - First Session
15. Granville Williams Orchestra - Popeye Ska
16. Roland Alphonso - The Cat
17. Baba Brooks & Roy Richards - Contact
18. Raymond Harper & The Carib Beats - Amour
19. Roland Alphonso - Guantanamera Ska
20. The Carib Beats - J. J. Special
21. Granville Williams Orchestra - Honky Tonk
22. Roland Alphonso - Song for My Father
23. Baba Brooks & His Band - The Scratch
24. Granville Williams Orchestra - Tear Up
25. Cluett Johnson Orchestra - Hot Nosh

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Jader Ras Sartori
rootstyle reggae shop campinas sp